ENGAGE is NICE Actimize's annual complimentary event to bring together the financial crime and compliance community.

Sub Title

Tuesday, 16 May 2023
9:00 - 18:00
22 Bishopsgate
London EC2N 4BQ

With tracks dedicated to Anti-Money Laundering, Enterprise Fraud Management, and Markets & Conduct Surveillance, you'll hear from the top minds in the industry as they discuss the latest trends and strategies to fight financial crime.

Dedicated Track on Markets & Conduct Surveillance
Join our track that will propel you into the future of Compliance & Surveillance. Hear from our inspiring keynotes, see real customer use cases, and interact with compliance and surveillance experts.

Why Attend? 

Earn CPD Credit
Gain credit toward continuing professional development education
     Explore the Latest Solutions
See NICE Actimize innovations in action at the Solutions Showcase
     Build your network
Leverage networking opportunities to exchange ideas with industry peers and the NICE Actimize team

Full Day Agenda »          Compliance & Surveillance Sessions »

Don’t miss this must-attend event. Register today!

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